
I signed out of todays 4:30 advanced if anyone wants to sign in


11 players in two courts isn’t an ideal number. I’m going to sit this one out.


I'd like to play at this time in this event. If someone signs out could you sign me in.
Thank You!


We have switched this session to just being on court 3 with a limit of 6 to accommodate extra demand from the other group.


It seems the new system is not yet in place for a wait list entry for this session. I would like to play in this group on Wednesday morning if anyone signs out would you please sign me in.


I can’t play in the morning, I signed out
(I will play on the afternoon)


I'd like to be next IN if another player drops out. thanks


Important Update on Waiting Lists


This year we invested in the Pro version of Player Lineup to get enforceable caps on sessions as we were having problems with too many people showing up to some time slots, despite having the limits stated in the game labels.

Well... Now we are running into sessions that are filling, but then last minute cancellations (which is totally appropriate!) are causing some popular times to have some empty spots. If it's not one thing, it's another, right! Unfortunately Player Lineup does not have a Wait List feature, so the following solution is what's next:

We have removed the caps from all of our sessions and gone back to posting the player limits in the game labels. You may add your name to a game that has reached its capacity, in essence creating an informal waiting list. As people un-reserve themselves the order of registration will continue to display accurately and move those people outside of the capacity to be inside of the capacity. So if you are that 21st person (or 25th) in a game that has a posted limit of 20 you will want to do a last minute check to see if you have moved up into the first 20 spots, and if you have, then you should show up to play!

Please note that this does require attention, so it is not an infallible solution. If your name gets moved into the eligible list and you don't show up, you may be displacing the next person in line if you do not un-reserve yourself. So this system does require our community to support the effort, and to also recognize that if you don't get into the stated limit it is not OK to just show up!

Thank you to David R. and Dan B. for the suggestion of how to get around the software limitations. This will also have the side benefit of providing me with more insight on HOW much more demand there may be on any given game, which is helpful as we continue to find the most effective schedule.

Happy Balling!


Thanks Nick