Ron responded in

I reserved a second court.


Cameron - I will be showing up to get your balls to you. I went to Barre today but you left early.


I have reserved a second court tomorrow at ten, so more can join, Alan Rome


Tues 10:15 Intermediate- I cancelled court at GMCF. Not enough players


since weather looks good- i will plan on heading to Barre ... if it rains happy to play at club

KATHY responded out

I am signing out since it's just me and Cynthia; if it rains and other people ar


Cindy & Diane- I reserved a court at GMCF tues June 6th 10:15 in case of rain. Now weather looks good to play outside in barre. I will cancel reservation in the morning unless you two want to find others to play inside. Thx, cate